
Find an Expert

Alex Barker
Senior Technical Officer - Tree Services
City of Bayswater
Areas of Interest: Tree Retention, Root Mitigation Strategies, Engineering Redesign
Sara Barron
Lecturer (teaching specialist)
University of Melbourne
Areas of Interest: Urban Forestry
Meg Caffin
Consulting Urban Forester
Urban Forest Consulting
Areas of Interest: Community stewardship, building better business cases, private tree protection
Peter Coad
Manager Natural Resources
Hornsby Shire Council
Thami Croeser

Althena Davidson
Coordinator Environment Planning & Conservation
City of Gold Coast
Areas of Interest: Conservation, planning, urban forest
Rachael Dawes
Senior Director
Urban Trescapes TCCS
Max Dixon
Ahmad Galea
Software Developer
University of Melbourne
Areas of Interest: Web Development
Sam Gibbs
Gibbs Media
Areas of Interest: Urban Forest and Nature Connectedness
Amy Hahs
Senior Lecturer in Urban Horticulture
The University of Melbourne
Areas of Interest: urban ecology; urban greenspaces; design and management
Ben Hall
Arboriculture Officer
City of Holdfast Bay
Areas of Interest: WSUD and sustainable urban forestry
Emma Laurie
Senior Landscape Officer
City of Casey
Areas of Interest: growing more trees and growing them better
Stephen Livesley
Urban Forest Researcher and Educator
The University of Melbourne
Areas of Interest: Urban ecosystems, greening and climate change adaptation
Elspeth Lumsden
Research Assistant
The University of Melbourne
Areas of Interest: Urban forestry, green roofs, climate change
Leigh McGaghey
Consultant Landscape Architect
Wired for Nature
Areas of Interest: Urban forests, horticultural therapy
Ian McKenzie
Consulting arborist
Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists
Areas of Interest: urban forestry - planning, human health and wellbeing
Rachael Miller
Asieh Motazedian
Landscape Architect
Diane Pataki
catherine Phillips
Senior lecturer
School of Geography, University of Melbourne
Lyndal Plant
Lyndal Plant Urban Forester Pty Ltd
Areas of Interest: urban forestry
John Rayner
Associate Professor
University of Melbourne
Areas of Interest: Landscape design, planting design, therapeutic landscapes
Myles Ritchie
Graduate Student
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Areas of Interest: Exceptional Trees, Reforestation, Urban Forestry
Ganbayar Sukhbaatar
System analyst and Developer
Business Services, University of Melbourne
Test Test
Ariel Utz Wirnsberger
Urban Designer
Ratio Consultants
Areas of Interest: Urban Design and planning